Navigations and Locations

The Map

The Crypto Farms map is diveded on two halfs, the upper and the lower one, on the upper half you have the following buildings:

  • CFE Building (mine/repair)

  • CFB Building (mine/repair)

  • Security (2FA)

  • Smithy (Craft)

  • Blend

On the bottom half you have the following buildings:

  • CFP Building (mine/repair)

  • Bank (deposit, withdraw and recharge energy)

  • Depot (deposit, withdraw and check your NFTs)


We have few basics informations on Crypto Farms HUD.

Left-bottom side: Wallet (you can logout here)

Right-bottom side: Functions Stats (check if everything is ok) and help button

Right-top: tokens and energy bar (you can check how many tokens you have on your account)

Last updated